DMWF global 2023
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Digital Marketing World Forum 2024

#DMWF is over for another year, and one of our Social Media Account Managers, Faber Whitehouse, had the pleasure of attending this year’s show. Today, as we head into the weekend, we wanted to share some of our key takeaways from this year’s excellent event.

The AI train has left the station…but it’s not too late to buy a ticket

AI is here to stay, something that was once a sci-fi concept destined for the distant future now permeates more and more facets of our lives and daily tasks.

We’ve gone from using AI as our assistant in 2008, to it being our copilot in 2023, to implementing it as an autopilot in 2024, with recent updates meaning that it’s now capable of completing multiple complex tasks, with mixed outputs, whilst being goal-orientated.

There’s no doubt that the technology is now here, it’s now up to us how we choose to implement it.

Our role now is to be constantly challenging AI, taking the objective information that it can provide, and adding to it our subjectivity, to create outstanding results.

Invest in your community, and they’ll invest in you

The idea of growing an online community around your brand isn’t anything new, however, the benefits of investing the necessary resources to nurture that community has never been clearer.

By cultivating a community that feels seen and heard, you build brand loyalty, which in turn can result in a strong ROI.

This relationship with your community can’t be a one way street, you have to be willing to listen to them, as much as you ask them to listen to you.

To influence, or not to influence…that is the question

Content performs 16% better when it’s not coming from the brand, but instead from influencers.

When confronted with a stat like that, it’s no wonder why influencer led campaigns are everywhere you look, however the age of the influencer who is famous, just for being famous, may be coming to a close.

Jody Smith from LadBible noted as part of a panel, that they have started to move away from the traditional ‘influencer’, who is involved in a campaign just for their face recognition, instead they’re adopting a strategy that instead leverages that person’s skills, rather than simply their platform.

So next time you’re thinking about running an influencer-led campaign, think about how you can make the most of what gave that influencer their influence in the first place.

Building Your Brand's Lore

If you’re a fan of video games or the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), you’re already familiar with the concept of lore. But did you know this idea can be a powerful tool in marketing as well?

By creating a unique mythology for your brand, you can build an engaging and immersive social media environment where your brand can truly stand out.

In this digital realm, you can craft an intriguing backstory that fosters a deep emotional connection with your audience. This narrative will help customers feel more personally invested in your brand.

Don’t be afraid to take risks and innovate. Remember, there’s a significant difference between being different and being distinct. Make your brand unforgettable by embracing its uniqueness.

If you attended this year’s Digital Marketing World Forum, what were some of your biggest takeaways, and how do you feel about ours?

Head over to The MTM Agency LinkedIn and let us know!