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The Impact of Social Media in Driving Awareness For Renewable Energy Initiatives

The energy transition is no longer a niche topic or a distant ideal; it’s firmly front and centre and very much in the global spotlight, commanding the attention of governments, brands, and audiences alike. As the world acknowledges the pressing need to shift to sustainable energy sources, the conversation has quickly evolved from whether renewable energy is a viable solution to how quickly and effectively we can hasten the transition. Today, we’re seeing audiences not just as passive recipients of information but as active participants, evaluating brands based on their words and actions.

Within this evolving narrative, social media has emerged as a crucial channel for accelerating awareness, engagement, and salience around renewable energy initiatives and the brands behind them. For brands in the renewables space, leveraging social media to communicate their positions and initiatives not only raises awareness, but can also create a competitive advantage, with the ability to distinguish their message in a crowded marketplace.

Democratising the conversation

In the not-so-distant past, energy policy and sustainability discussions were confined to think tanks, government corridors, corporate boardrooms, and academic conferences. However, as the conversation has shifted into the mainstream, social media has played a pivotal role in democratising these discussions, allowing voices from all corners of society to contribute - both positively and negatively. Platforms such as X (formerly Twitter), LinkedIn, Instagram, and even TikTok have enabled organisations, NGOs, and niche players to share their ambitions, insights, innovations, and success stories to global audiences.

The real-time nature of social media allows innovations and developments, whether a breakthrough in solar technology or a new wind farm project, to reach a broad, global audience almost immediately. This has been instrumental in educating the public, debunking myths, and fostering a deeper understanding of the importance of renewable energy and where it sits in the energy mix. For instance, LinkedIn has seen significant growth in posts related to sustainability and renewable energy, reflecting the prioritisation of these topics among professionals worldwide, and reflecting growing engagement across the professional network.

This democratisation spreads awareness and allows brands to effectively establish themselves as thought leaders. Those who actively leverage social media can position themselves as frontrunners or changemakers in the renewable energy conversation, creating a point of difference, a positioning benefit, and a competitive advantage. Our work with EET Fuels, formerly Essar, is the perfect example. Its rebrand and positioning shift was explained and justified through a new vision for the business. Using social as a core channel, it communicated its ambition to become the UK’s first low carbon process refinery, with EET investing $1.2bn over the next five years to lower emissions by decarbonising production processes.

Building communities and networks

Social media's ability to build and nurture communities is one of its most significant contributions to the renewable energy agenda. Hashtags like #RenewableEnergy, #SustainableLiving, and #GreenEnergy have become rallying points for millions of users worldwide, creating a collective identity and instilling purpose. These digital communities serve as hubs for sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources, helping individuals and organisations tap into the zeitgeist.

Furthermore, social platforms have enabled the formation of communities that transcend geographical boundaries. Collaborations between stakeholders from different regions have become more accessible, leading to the exchange of ideas and best practices. For instance, the International Energy Agency (IEA) notes that global renewable capacity is “on track to reach new heights, with social media campaigns contributing to heightened awareness and adoption, particularly in sectors like residential solar energy”. This highlights the often-overlooked power of social in bridging gaps between conversation and action, driving practical outcomes.

This gives brands a real opportunity to not just participate in these communities, but to lead them.

Proactively engaging with audiences

While many brands still use social media primarily as a broadcasting tool, the most successful ones are those that engage with their audiences and build dialogue directly. According to recent industry insights, only seven per cent of brands have moved away from the traditional broadcasting model utilising TV and radio, but this number is steadily growing. The shift towards proactive engagement reflects a broader trend where audiences expect more interaction and participation rather than passive consumption.

Social media offers brands the unique ability to not only broadcast their messages, but also to engage directly with those they are looking to reach, fostering dialogue and building lasting relationships. This approach not only enhances brand loyalty but also strengthens the credibility and trustworthiness of the brand in the eyes of the public.

Influencing public opinion and policy

Social media has proven to be a powerful tool for influencing public opinion and, by extension, policy. Renewable energy initiatives often require significant investment and regulatory support, making public backing essential. We know this first-hand from our partnership with ExxonMobil and The Solent Cluster; a multi-billion-pound initiative to develop sustainable energy and fuels in Southern England. Through targeted campaigns, social media is playing an essential role in mobilising public support and engaging policymakers to adopt effective regulations and funding models. Social media has also helped shift the narrative around renewable energy from scepticism to necessity by amplifying the voices of progressive brands, scientists, and concerned citizens.

What’s more, the transparency that social media demands has pushed companies and governments to be more accountable. Greenwashing, the practice of falsely portraying an organisation’s products or policies as environmentally friendly, is quickly called out on social platforms, forcing brands to closely align their actions with their public statements. In 2021, a study by the New Climate Institute found that social media scrutiny led to a 15 per cent increase in companies adjusting their sustainability claims to align more closely with their actual practices.

This shift presents a crucial opportunity for brands to communicate their commitments and back them up with credible actions. Partnering with experienced social strategists and communications experts can assist organisations in crafting authentic and transparent campaigns that resonate with both the public and policymakers, ensuring that their social media efforts translate into real-world impact.

Humanising the message

While data and statistics are essential in advocating for the topic, they can often feel abstract and impersonal. Social media, however, excels at storytelling - a crucial element in making the case for renewable energy more relatable and compelling. By sharing personal stories, user-generated content, and behind-the-scenes looks at renewable energy projects, organisations can humanise their message and connect with their audience on an emotional level by showcasing the real-world impact of their initiatives and technologies.

Videos tagged with #RenewableEnergy on platforms like TikTok have collectively garnered over two billion views, a testament to the public’s interest in and engagement with these initiatives. Moreover, social media allows for a two-way conversation. Audiences can engage with content, ask questions, and share their perspectives, creating a dynamic dialogue that fosters a deeper connection between organisations and the public. This interactive nature of social media has been instrumental in building trust and driving sustained engagement.

The importance of listening

In today’s fast-evolving digital landscape, understanding the cultural nuances and expectations of different demographics is crucial for effective communication. Social listening - the process of analysing digital conversations to understand what customers are saying about a brand or industry - has become an essential tool for brands across all sectors and topics.

For example, Gen Z, which has grown up in an era where sustainability is a given, are increasingly becoming disenfranchised with generic sustainability messaging. They expect transparency, authenticity, and tangible action. Social listening allows brands to gauge the pulse of these audiences and understand the changes as they happen, enabling brands to tailor their content and messaging strategies accordingly.

Social listening is also a much more cost-effective activity than as little as five years ago, so understanding what resonates with different audience segments shouldn’t be reserved for large B2C brands. With it, organisations can craft more targeted, impactful content that speaks directly to the values and concerns of their audiences, and, for a relatively low level of investment. Social listening also enables brands to identify emerging trends and potential crises, allowing them to respond proactively, arguably paying for itself in the long run.

Challenges and considerations

Despite its many advantages, leveraging social media to promote renewable energy initiatives is not without its challenges. The vast amount of online content can make it difficult for messages to stand out, especially in a space where misinformation is rife. Ensuring that content is not only accurate but also engaging is critical. A 2022 study by the Pew Research Center found that 28 per cent of social media users had encountered misinformation related to renewable energy, highlighting the need for vigilant content management and an honest, open approach to communications.

Additionally, while social media has the potential to reach a global audience, it is essential to recognise that different platforms cater to different demographics. Tailoring content to the specific platform and its user base is crucial for maximising impact. For instance, while LinkedIn may be more effective for targeting industry professionals and policymakers, Instagram might be better suited for engaging younger audiences through visually compelling content. Even in the world of B2B, it’s crucial to build an engaged audience across multiple platforms to maximise the impact of your efforts.

The future of renewable energy advocacy

As the world continues to grapple with the effects of climate change, the role of social media in driving awareness and action will only grow in importance. With technological advancements and the interconnectivity of global networks, social platforms will continue to evolve, offering new and innovative ways to engage with audiences around this and other critical topics.

Looking ahead, organisations will need to remain authentic and transparent in their messaging, with considered strategies that support a flexible and tailored approach. Building and maintaining credibility will be key to sustaining long-term engagement with renewable energy initiatives in a digital landscape where trust is paramount.

Social media has already proven to be a powerful force in shaping the narrative around renewable energy. By democratising the conversation, building communities, and understanding the risks and challenges, social can and should play a pivotal role in supporting brands’ communications goals and driving the world towards a more sustainable future.

But don’t think you have to go it alone.

Partnering with knowledgeable specialists or communication agencies that understand all aspects of both the industry landscape and social channels can help organisations establish and grow their following, turning social media engagement into tangible business results. These specialists can help craft narratives that inform and inspire, turning abstract concepts into stories that resonate on a human level and build long-term trust and engagement.

If you’d like support in crafting a social strategy and messaging for your organisation surrounding your sustainability initiatives, get in touch with us today.