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Eyes in the sky Brand

About Airbus

Airbus is a global leader in satellite technology with the world’s largest private satellite constellation at its disposal.

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Airbus wanted to make its satellite imagery available to businesses. New market-specific products and services needed to be named, branded and support collateral developed for each, then launched.

Airbus needed to increase its overall presence and reach decision makers in the defence, oil and gas, maritime and shipping industries.

Taking things to new heights

Airbus needed to highlight the full extent of its intelligence capabilities, its relevant experience and capability to provide genuinely unique services for these new market sectors.

Using integrated marketing campaigns, which cut across print and digital media channels, events and exhibitions, conference graphics, presentation and business literature, and dedicated websites, we created the opportunity for Airbus to be seen and heard in the right places and by the right people.
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Our Brief

Our brief communicated the need to build trust and fortify the relationship between airbus, its clients and supporting partners; and also to create new opportunities for growth.

MTM’s mission was to position the brand, consolidate its identity and drive brand awareness.
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The different campaigns were highly successful, repositioning Airbus and increasing visibility of its products and services. The campaign promoting into the oil, gas and mining industry delivered a ROI in excess of 10:1, with over £100,000 worth of media coverage in the first quarter.


Inspired by Space

Taking the universal fascination and exhilaration inspired by space, we have created an experience that produces an instinctual thrill around the organisation. To assert its role as the go-to company for the freshest imagery and accurate satellite data, we have let visuals do the talking, creating a memorable connection between Airbus DS and visual perfection that doesn’t need explaining.

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Return on investment
Media coverage