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Brands revitalised at our latest Think Tank event

On Wednesday 8 May, The MTM Agency hosted its latest Think Tank event, focusing on how businesses can successfully revitalise and invigorate their brand. Held at one of our favourite event spaces, the Harbour Hotel in Southampton, guests enjoyed a day full of insights and had the opportunity to network with our expert speakers and a group of like-minded individuals.

The event saw members of the MTM team present and discuss how to rejuvenate an organisation’s brand for present and future audiences, and shared the crucial role of accurate brand research and analysis when making informed decisions. In addition, we explored examples where branding has been incredibly successful, and some common pitfalls to avoid.

We were joined by guests from organisations including Southampton Football Club, Island Distillery, Yotspot, , Eastleigh Borough Council and The Pig Hotel.

“It was great to share our experiences and perspectives on the topic of brand management, from adapting to changing audience needs, to the importance of grounding your strategies in reliable research and using data to inform your decisions.

“This event provided a great opportunity to have a relaxed discussion on some of the critical components for driving your brand forward, and has hopefully given our guests some ideas to consider.” - Richard Broughton, Director of Brand and Marketing and presenter of ‘Compelling consistency: Defining the visuals, values, and strategies that will land’.

What did our guests think?

"The presentations at the Think Tank event were very insightful, and I'm looking forward to joining more MTM events in the future."

New to MTM’s Think Tank events?

MTM’s Think Tank concept was first conceived as a film series hosted on our blog. Choosing a different subject for each episode, we showcase conversations between our in-house experts who explore the topic in detail, answering questions and providing useful insights.

Since then, Think Tank has evolved to become an in-person event where like-minded people can come together and listen to our specialists first hand. It allows for useful networking opportunities with marketing professionals, and provides organisations the chance to ask their own questions to help drive their business forward and achieve personal goals.

Upcoming Think Tank event: Experience and Activation

Details of our next Think Tank event on Experience and Activation will be confirmed soon.

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