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Data-driven insights to support your PR strategy

Gone are the days of issuing press releases and simply hoping they will be picked up by the media and read by your target audience. Data has become increasingly important within media relations to ensure campaigns are more targeted, outcomes are measurable and that where possible, data drives and supports the news being shared.

Identifying your audience to maximise results

Data insights start with your target audience and identifying their demographic, behaviours and interests. Once you have this information, you can craft your PR strategy and messaging, ensuring it’s tailored to speak to that target audience directly.

This could be content aimed at specific media, or particular platforms you know your audience will engage with, but through adhering to your data insights, you’ll increase the effectiveness of your campaign, whilst determining the best channels, timing and execution.

Creating a news story

When creating a news story, having data to support the message you’re delivering adds to its authenticity, also creating third-party endorsement. This could be in the form of research on a particular topic, identifying emerging trends and industry commentary, or a survey to demonstrate that what you’re communicating is true.

At this point, it’s also important to look at competitors to ensure your campaign is unique. As part of this research process, it’s also recommended to consider past competitor campaigns to ensure you’re able to identify your strengths, alongside any key areas for improvement.


The media outreach when your campaign is ready will include using data and targeted software to identify the right media, journalists, and potential influencers - you’re then in a position to build relationships with them for the campaign and start your outreach. Again, utilising the data gained from your audience research will help guide you to the correct types of publications and journalists to contact; you don’t want to spend valuable time pitching to media that’s irrelevant to your story or industry (it may even damage relationships for the future if editors are sent irrelevant content).

Measurement and KPIs

One of the most important uses of data in PR is for measurement and KPIs. We recommend using analysis tools to monitor metrics such as:

  • Reach

  • Media mentions

  • Engagement

  • Website traffic

  • Sentiment

  • The number of coverage pieces

  • The types of media outlets that have picked up the story

This ensures you are able to report on what’s important for your brand and stakeholders, and to determine the success of each individual campaign.

Real-time data

Real-time data is not only important for emerging news stories, but it also comes into its own within crisis management for PR, enabling monitoring of brand mentions and public sentiment. This allows teams to be responsive to what is being said about the brand, quickly. Data can then be used to assess the impact of a crisis, how effective a brand’s crisis management strategies have been in the past, and make positive changes for the future.

In conclusion

Ultimately, data plays a part in every aspect of PR, and it is vital to incorporate it into your planning to ensure any decision making is informed. This means outcomes aren’t left to chance, and it will assist in creating more successful campaigns with positive results that meet and exceed your organisation’s goals.

If you’d like to speak to us about utilising data-driven insights to support your PR strategy, get in touch today.