Get Social 2023
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Get Social: Social media trends for 2023

With social media usage at an all-time high1, continuous algorithm updates and a number of new features to explore, it’s time to delve deeper. From the content you should be sharing, to how you should be communicating with your audience, it’s an opportunity to leverage the latest opportunities and to stay ahead of the competition.

At The MTM Agency, our social media team is always on the lookout for new trends and tactics to help our client partners maximise the effectiveness of their investment in social media. In this article, we explore three upcoming trends we expect to make a difference in 2023.

The power of podcasts

There are an estimated 424 million2 podcast listeners across the world and it's constantly growing. In response, a number of social platforms have already expanded their offering to cater to audio content, with YouTube and Twitter introducing podcasting pages, and LinkedIn and Facebook launching audio rooms.

Whether it’s when working, working out, commuting or relaxing, the popularity of audio content represents an opportunity to engage new and existing audiences, position your brand and establish your thought leadership credentials through quality, informative content.

This year, as the popularity of online listening continues to grow and diversify, we expect to see an increasing number of brands taking full advantage of the opportunity, as well as individuals developing their own audio content, and creators using a greater variety of channels to promote their podcasts.

We recently supported leading private wealth law firm, Forsters, with a creative podcast3 campaign targeting a new generation of HNWIs. The Mayfair-based specialist saw podcasts as the perfect vehicle to build a brand association with young entrepreneurs, interviewing dynamic business leaders who are disrupting their respective sector. The campaign was a resounding success and podcasts are now being considered as a part of future campaigns targeting different audience segments.

Short form video is the way forward

TikTok has been leading the way on short-form video4 sharing and hosting this year, with a number of platforms already adopting the same approach. Instagram, for example, introduced its short-form video feature Reels in 2022, with YouTube following quickly in its footsteps, launching YouTube Shorts.

If you want your brand to be seen and to drive engagement, it’s time to consider the content that platform algorithms are prioritising. And, right now, that’s short-form video. Remember that you’ll need to spend some time trialling, testing and discovering what works best for you and your brand. Most importantly, don’t be afraid of change, early adopters are often the biggest beneficiaries.

Be your audience's BFF!

Engaging and building stronger relationships with your audience has never been more important. In 2023, brands must prioritise creating loyal5, engaged and connected fans.

Learn who and what they love, hate, double tap and follow to make sure you’re giving them the ultimate social media experience. Remember, a clear understanding of who your audience is will help you reach more of the right people, foster loyal fans, boost engagement, increase conversions and so much more. Get this right and you won’t look back.

To stay up to date with social media news and updates make sure you are following @TheMTMAgency on Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter where we will bring you monthly social insights, digging deeper into the ever changing world of social media.

Want to level up your social media marketing in 2023 without getting left behind? Speak to our experts to find out how we can accelerate growth for your business.


2. https://influencermarketinghub...
4. https://influencermarketinghub...