Issue #1
The MTM Agency Magazine #1
Our first full magazine since our rebrand to The MTM Agency in 2017 showcases our innovation, creativity, and agility.
Includes the first publication of our integrated comm’s model that drives ROI and as our digital portfolio grew, shares our digital delivery management and control processes that ensures client trust and confidence.
Detailed case studies include a full integrated campaign to position Airbus in the Oil & Gas sector, our digital innovation delivering content to all INEOS stakeholders through their INCH magazine on and offline and the not for profit client, The Fertility Network - handling delicate and sensitive content in a way that engages through their new website.
Other case studies include new websites for INOYN the global chemical giant, the energy and power protection leader Benning and a public engagement app for INEOS.
A limited number were also printed in A3 format and many customers still talk fondly of sharing content with colleagues for many months.
And the numbers of the case study titles? They are the latitude and longitude co-ordinates of our clients throughout the globe.